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Are you eligible for Hilo?

What type of housing do you live in?

Whether you own or rent a home, our smart home service can help you manage your daily energy consumption. Please indicate your type of housing so we can validate its eligibility for Hilo.

What is your home’s main heating system?

Note that heating devices with integrated thermostats are not compatible with Hilo. Only line-voltage wall thermostats for electric baseboard and convection heaters, certain central heating systems equipped with Honeywell Home* thermostats and thermostats for electric floor heating are compatible.

*Click here to learn which Honeywell Home thermostats for central heating are compatible with Hilo.

How many wall thermostats are installed in your home?

Hilo needs to ensure you have wall thermostats that are compatible with its service. Please indicate the number of wall thermostats connected to electric baseboard or convection heaters, the number of compatible Honeywell Home thermostats for central heating and the number of thermostats for electric floor heating you have installed. Other types of thermostats are not yet compatible with Hilo.

*Click here to learn which Honeywell Home thermostats for central heating are compatible with Hilo.

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What region of Quebec do you live in?

Enter your address to see if Hilo is offered in your area.